
Ehsan Masood fears a coming mass extinction, Medina Tenour Whiteman sings the praises of water, Giles Goddard denounces Western attitudes to the environment, Christopher B Jones deliberates on global weirding, James Brooks joins the Extinction Rebellion demonstrations, Gordon Blaine Steffey exposes the deceit and bullshit of climate deniers, Hafeez Burhan Khan experiences the dry heat of Wadi Rum, Tawseef Khan worries about the plight of climate refugees, Shanka Mesa Siverio attempts to build prosperous communities, Moiz Bohra watches the gas and oil flares in Qatar, Muhammad Akbar Notezai witnesses the impact of climate change on Pakistani villages, C Scott Jordan wants to negotiate the meaning of sustainability (by watching films!), Greenpeace illustrate plastic pollution, Yovanka Paquete Perdigao suggests Game of Thrones is a climate allegory, Mohamed Aidid and Fareha Rahman issue a call to arms, and we list seven climate-denying wonders of the world.

In this issue

  • Extinction Rebellion

    In Love and Rage

    On 17 November 2018, my life changed. Until then, for most of it, I’d felt like a spy abandoned behind enemy lines. The organisation I worked for had…

    James Brooks
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