Ziauddin Sardar argues that freethinkers can be dangerous in numerous ways, James E. Montgomery examines the radical freethought of the ninth-century thinker Jahiz, Oliver Leaman wrestles with Ibn Rushd’s dangerous idea, Robert Irwin explores the myths surrounding the great Sufi mystic al-Hallaj, Bruce Lawrence thinks that Al-Biruni is the greatest freethinker of all time, Aziz al-Azmeh explores Abbasid culture and the universal history of freethinking humanism, Stefan Weldner looks at the notion of the Divine in Adonis’s poetry, Abdelwahab El-Affendi dissects the thought and politics of the Sudanese reformist Mahmoud Taha, Mohammed Moussa is unimpressed by the neo-modernity of the Iranian freethinker Abdolkarim Soroush, Nazry Bahrawi defends the interpretations of the Egyptian scholar Nasr Hamid Abu Zayd, Eva Hoffman suggests that dissidents should be as mindful as the Polish writer Czeslaw Milosz, Johan Siebers explains why the pen is the chosen instrument of the dangerous freethinker, Hanan al-Shaykh recalls the freethinking women who shaped her life, Alev Adil struggles with ‘the Aisha Project’, and Merryl Wyn Davies on why freethinkers are mad, bad and dangerous.