
Samia Rahman is lost in music; Jeremy Henzell-Thomas suggests music opens hidden windows to the soul; Ziauddin Sardar witnesses the annihilation of the famous Qawwali 'Mustt Mustt'; Hassan Mahamdallie remembers his punk days; Stefan Williamson Fa discovers the Sufi-Flamenco fusion of Aziz Balouch; Shanon Shah retraces the highs and lows of his pop career; Estrella Sendra listens to Senegal sounds; Hafeez Burhan Khan shows off his (rather extensive) knowledge of Led Zeppelin; Leyla Jagiella invokes the legendary Indian actress Meena Kumari as the patron saint of the broken hearted; Rim Jasmin Irscheid takes us raving in Iran; Zia Chaudhry is trapped between his parents' love of Urdu songs and his own fascination with Western cultural products; Shaizir Aly is enthralled to see his hero Bruce Springsteen glorified on the big screen; C Scott Jordan argues that K-pop is little more than child abuse; and Elma Berisha is enchanted with the Rainforest World Music Festival in Sarawak.

In this issue

  • Aziz Balouch

    Aziz Balouch

    The exploration of connections between flamenco, the main musical and dance tradition of Andalusia and the Romani people of Spain, and the music of…

    Stefan Williamson Fa
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