In this issue
Ideas, inspiration and ground-breaking thinking on Islam direct to you postbox (or inbox)
Daniel Nilsson DeHanas and Peter Mandaville pin down the notion of Muslim Atlantic, Aisha Khan explains how a Muslim Atlantic can be realised, Amandla Thomas-Johnson returns to his ancestral homeland in Senegal, Ahmed Younis castigates the locked mentality of American Muslims, Sohail Daulatzai argues for a Muslim International, Tahir Abbas wrestles with terrorism, Zahrah Nesbitt-Ahmed connects with her grandparents, Juliette Galonnier is horrified at the racism within diasporic Muslim communities, Abdul-Rehman Malik sees the Muslim Atlantic as a cultural eco-system, Rasul Miller reconsiders black radicalism, Shirin Khan is anxious about security, Tanya Muneera Williams witnesses the history of slavery in her native Bristol, C Scott Jordan is unsettled by the treatment of Muslim politicians in the US and UK, and Aina Khan waxes lyrical about Black Muslim female MCs.