
Shanon Shah suggests PostWest is a speculative concept that obscures as much as it explains, Jasper M Trautsch explores the concept of the 'West', Roger van Zwanenberg explains how the West became a dominant world power, Gordon Blaine Steffey suffers from PostWest anxieties, Amrita Ghosh goes in search of the 'East', Shiv Visvanathan imagines India's rise to a second rate power, Julia Sveshnikova comes to terms with Russia's identity crisis, Jalal Afhim marvels at China's balancing act, Boyd Tonkin is not impressed by the narratives of rise and decline, Carool Kersten analyses the 'post-everything' thought of the American-Iranian scholar Hamid Dabashi, Andrew Brown insists that liberal democracy is a (partial) fraud, Giles Goddard thinks it is the beginning of the end of capitalism, Avaes Mohammad dissects 'the clash of civilisations', Scott Jordan argues the West as the valiant cowboy will not ride into the sunset, Hassan Mahamdallie needs radical hope to survive a PostWest world, and Jim Dator declares 'the West is Dead' - get over it! 

In this issue

  • Interior damage to an Armenian church in Mosul, Iraq, destroyed during the ISIS occupation of the city.
    Issue 20 PostWest

    The West is Dead

    It is clear. The West is dead. It is time to stop beating a dead West. It is time to start grooming and riding new horses beyond even postnormality.

    Jim Dator
  • Activists doing a demonstration outdoors
    Issue 20 PostWest

    PostWest Anxieties

    French sociologist Michel de Certeau argued that ‘narrations about what’s-going-on constitute our orthodoxy’. We can say the same about narrations…

    Gordon Blaine Steffey
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