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  • See No Hear No Speak No
    Issue 52 Genocide

    Genocide Denial

    In June this year, a ninety-six-year-old German grandmother was given a sixteen-month prison sentence by a Hamburg court for repeatedly claiming that…

    Abdelwahab El-Affendi
  • M Iqbal The Great Poet
    Issue 51 Desire

    INTRODUCTION: Orbits of Desire

    Let’s begin with the great man himself.The Grand Sheikh. The illustrious portrayer of desires.The anthology of celebrated poems by Muhyiddin Ibn…

    Ziauddin Sardar
  • Merkel & Olaf
    Issue 50 Halal

    German Redemption Theology

    Jerusalem, 18 March 2008. A first: German Chancellor Angela Merkel delivers a speech to the Knesset. Thus far, only heads of state, not heads of…

    Adnan Delalić
  • pile of different currency paper bills
    Issue 46 Capital

    Ten Definitions of Capital

    Words have power. They can evoke raw feeling and emotion. They can stir hate or provoke joy, convey knowledge or disinformππation. More…

  • Lost in a Dark Wood
    Issue 46 Capital

    Capitalist Abstractions

    I had a meeting in the city recently and could not find a car park to save myself. I found myself circling the same block over and over, and over…

    Liam Mayo
  • Light at the End of the Universe
    Issue 45 Transitions

    Turning Towards the South

    It is hard to imagine that we share the journey with someone coming in the opposite direction. Nevertheless, I think that this strange sharing is…

    Boaventura de Sousa Santos
  • Rumi the Poet
    Issue 38 Humour

    Sufi Satire

    David Mamet has defined satire as ‘a type of wit that is meant to mock human vices or mistakes, often …to expose political missteps or social…

    Bruce B Lawrence
  • Defining the Artifcial
    Issue 34 Artificial

    Artificial Defined

    The word artificial, like many other words, is a mixed bag, best conceived of as a semantic continuum encompassing positive, neutral and negative…

    Jeremy Henzell-Thomas